Office of the Dean of Students          

  Office of the Dean of Students -> Event Readiness and Response

Event Readiness and Response

Event Readiness and Response offers support for campus events and provides educational programs on both student rights and responsibilities, and demonstration consultation and response.

If you would like assistance understanding how to comply with University policies and the Institutional Rules during demonstrations, please contact Event Readiness and Response in the Office of the Dean of Students to schedule a consultation.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) supports this constitutional right for every person on our campus by offering an environment where free speech can be used to expand knowledge, debate ideas and bring awareness of different views and experiences.

This environment still has boundaries. In accordance with the Institutional Rules on Speech, Expression, and Assembly, Chapter 13 and The University of Texas System Rule 40501: Speech and Assembly, students, faculty, staff and the public have the right to assemble, speak and attempt to attract the attention of others. They also have the right to choose to hear or not hear the speech of someone else.

The University must allow speech if it does not violate the time, place, and manner rules as well as the law.

The Office of the Dean of Students will always aspire to positively transform lives through the University's core values: learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity and responsibility.


Students and student groups planning demonstrations need to consider policies and opportunities to make their events effective and safe, whether hosting a guest speaker, planning a march, or organizing a protest. The ability to use amplified sound (microphones, bullhorns, drums, etc.) in a chosen area, distribution of literature, filming on campus, and security are just some of the details that students may need to prepare for when holding a demonstration. These details are outlined in the Institutional Rules on Speech, Expression, and Assembly, Chapter 13.

The following is a list of outdoor campus amplified sound areas, followed by the time when amplified sound is permitted on weekdays (Monday-Friday): 

If the amplified sound is found to disrupt University business, you will be asked to cease the amplification regardless of whether it was permitted at that time.

Student Activities in the Office of the Dean of Students can help reserve a space and coordinate logistics. Email or call 512-471-3065 for more information.

Campus Demonstration Guidelines

Guidelines listed on this page do not account for every scenario that should be practiced or avoided under time, place and manner rules.


  • Assembling peacefully
  • Participating in meaningful discussions
  • Handing out flyers and brochures
  • Allowing at least a ten-foot perimeter of clearance around academic buildings
  • Respecting other demonstrators' ability to engage in speech and displaying messages without blocking the view of participants or causing the speaker to not be heard
  • Identify yourself should you be asked by officials
  • Following University policies and procedures


  • Blocking or impeding entrances and exits
  • Creating disruptions in buildings or at University events
  • Wearing items to conceal your identity
  • Damaging property
  • Engaging in physical violence or inciting others to take violent action
  • Using amplified sound (sound with volume increased by any electronic, mechanical or motor powered means) without reservation or outside of the designated amplified sound areas
  • Attempting to force others to view or listen to a message by coercion, badgering, or intimidation
  • Camping

Alternate Demonstration Formats

Some alternate forms of permissible expression that UT Austin community members have engaged in include, but are not limited to, the following:

Online Formats
  • Using platforms like Zoom or Google Meet for educational events, meetings, vigils or to host a speaker with an alternative point of view
  • Using an online petition platform
  • Using social media to host campaigns and involve supporters
  • Writing an opinion column in campus or local media outlets such as The Daily Texan or the Austin-American Statesman
  • Declarations of action and/or support by organizations
Other Formats
  • Donations or fundraising
  • Posting signage at your home or residence hall
  • Wearing of symbols
  • Contacting the Graduate Student Assembly, Senate of College Councils and Student Government
  • Contacting your city, county, state and federal elected officials

Frequently Asked Questions

If someone is holding an event on campus, can I protest it?

Yes. Free speech and expression include the right to protest. Protests must always follow all applicable rules, policies, and laws.

Can people who oppose a speaker's message use their own freedom of speech to shout down that speaker's message?

No. Freedom of speech does not give you permission to silence the speech of others by shouting, heckling or otherwise disrupting a speech to the point that the speaker cannot continue or that the audience can no longer listen. Disrupting a speaker may result in disciplinary sanctions or even criminal charges against the disruptive person.

Can the University cancel an event if the campus community disagrees with the cause or speaker's views?

No. The University cannot cancel an event based on the cause or viewpoint of the speaker. Some speech, while legal and allowable, can be viewed as ugly and offensive. If you have concerns regarding demonstrations, please utilize the resources available to you, including those listed on this page.

What is considered disruption?

Any speech, expression or assembly conducted in a way that disrupts or interferes with University functions, authorized activities, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and other expressive activities outlined in the Institutional Rules on Speech, Expression, and Assembly, Chapter 13.

How do I protest at an event without disruption?

There are several methods. Some include:

  • Holding small cards which indicate disagreement (or agreement) with the speaker's points and views.
  • Staging a coordinated, silent walk-out of a program or event.
  • Turning one's back on the speaker (while not blocking the views of others).
Can students camp on campus?

No. Camping is not allowed on campus for the reasons of maintaining a clean, aesthetically pleasing, healthy and safe work, educational and learning environment. Encampments are also disruptive to University business and may be violation of state or local law. For more information, please see Handbook of Operating Procedure 8-1050 (Prohibition of Camping on University Property).

What if someone is offended by another person's speech?

Freedom of speech means that all views have a place for expression—even those others may find offensive or wrong. University community members who hear words they don't like are free to offer their own words in response, but they must always respect the rights of all speakers to share their views.

What if someone feels physically threatened?

Call 911 in any emergency.

As an event organizer, how can I prepare for a demonstration?
Contact Event Readiness and Response in advance to discuss planning and policies.
What are the rules for members of the public and expressive activities?

Visit UT's Public Forum site to learn more about guidelines for members of the public. After reviewing the rules, individuals who are not a part of a UT Austin registered student organization must complete the General Public Space Reservation Form.

Off-Campus Demonstrations

The City of Austin has rules for protesting, demonstrations or picketing activity on public sidewalks.

Other Resources

Student Outreach and Support helps students and their families during difficult or emergency situations such as family emergencies, fire or natural disaster, student death (current or former), medical or mental health concerns, academic difficulties due to crisis or emergency situations. You can reach Student Outreach and Support by phone at 512-471-5017 or email at  

The Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL) is available to address questions or concerns about the behavior of someone in our university community. You can reach BCAL by phone at 512-232-5050, where trained staff are available 24 hours a day to help callers explore available options and strategies. All callers can remain anonymous. You can also share your concerns online.

The Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) provides mental health support through assessment and referral, group and individual counseling, psychiatry, and other well-being services. Students experiencing a mental health crisis should call the CMHC 24/7 Crisis Line at 512-471-2255 (CALL) to speak with a crisis counselor.

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in any federally funded education program or activity. Title IX protects all members of our campus community who experience sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, interpersonal violence (including dating and domestic violence), stalking or discrimination based on pregnancy. To connect with Title IX Support and Resources, please email

If you are reporting non-Title IX discrimination concerns, please report to the Department of Investigation and Adjudication by calling 512-471-3701, or via this form. Anyone may report incidents anonymously regardless of whether you are the alleged subject of the complained of behavior.

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides short term, free and confidential counseling with its experienced staff of licensed clinical social workers. Services are provided to UT Select insurance benefits eligible staff, faculty, dependents (age 18 or older), or retirees. To schedule a counseling appointment, please email or call 512-471-3366 or 512-471-3399 for after-hours counseling. Benefits eligible employes can also access 24/7 zero-cost telehealth counseling through MDLive.