Office of the Dean of Students          

  Office of the Dean of Students -> About Us -> Scholarships and Grants -> Theodore Henry Strauss Award for Exemplary University Service

Theodore Henry Strauss Award for Exemplary University Service

Character and integrity are two qualities that Ted Strauss exemplified. This award is given annually to a member or members of the Friar Society who have those same characteristics and have made significant contributions to UT Austin through campus-wide activities.


An award of at least $500 is awarded annually. Please note that if you receive financial aid from UT Austin, this award could affect your financial aid package. If you have specific questions about your situation, please contact Texas One Stop.

The application for the spring 2025 scholarship was open from January 16 to March at 5 p.m.

Scholarship Criteria

Application Questions

These questions will be asked in the application. It is recommended that applicants prepare answers in a word document in advance to avoid the application timing out.

  1. Describe a major contribution you have made to the University of Texas at Austin.
  2. Describe a time you have ever been studious of conditions, needs, and the trend of the times, and lent a hand in the social, moral, and intellectual uplift of society.
  3. If awarded, how do you foresee the scholarship helping your current financial situation?