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Student Elections

First-Year Election 2024

During each fall semester, two representatives from the incoming class of undergraduate first-year students are elected to serve on Student Government via the First-Year Election. The First-Year Election is a unique opportunity for first-year students to learn about the UT Austin community, make connections across campus, serve our fellow longhorns, and engage in productive dialog regarding UT Austin. Whether you run for an elected position, campaign for someone who does, or share your voice through your vote, the First-Year Election process is a chance first-year students to exemplify our university tagline and show that what starts here changes the world.


Filing for the fall 2024 First-Year Election will take place from 9 a.m. on Friday, August 23, 2024 to 9 a.m. on Monday, September 16, 2024. First-year students interested in running for a first-year representative position should visit the How to File and Election Documents pages on this website to review the Student Government governing documents for eligibility, position responsibilities and for rules pertaining to the First-Year Election.


Voting in the First-Year Election will take place from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. Visit the Voting FAQs page to learn more about voting in the election.


The Election Supervisory Board oversees the First-Year Election process including candidate filing, enforcement of election rules and policies, election disputes, certification of votes and announcement of results. If you have any questions regarding the First-Year Election, please contact the Election Supervisory Board at esb@austin.utexas.edu.

Campus-Wide Election

During each spring semester, many different positions open up for campus leadership opportunities. Positions become available in the Graduate Student Assembly, Student Government, Texas Student Media, University Co-op, and the University Unions. These opportunities are fulfilled by students who file to become candidates and participate in the Campus-Wide Election.  The campus-wide election is an important opportunity for all students to make connections across campus, serve our fellow longhorns, and engage in productive dialog about the university we call home. Whether you run for an elected position, campaign for someone who does, or share your voice through your vote, the entire campus-wide election process is a chance for all of us to exemplify our university tagline and show that what starts here changes the world.

The spring 2023 Campus-Wide Election took place on February 27-28, 2023. Visit the Student Elections Archives page to view previous results.