Office of the Dean of Students          

Swing Out Awards

Become part of the Swing Out Awards Tradition! The Swing Out Awards are presented by the Office of the Dean of Students to student organizations that have demonstrated excellence in leadership on campus. Organizations can apply to different categories that best fit their student group. Award recipients will receive a monetary prize and will be recognized at the Evening of the Stars ceremony. Applications open on Monday, February 10, 2025 and close at 11:59 p.m. CST on Sunday, March 2, 2025.


To be eligible, registered and sponsored student organizations must 1) be in good standing with the Office of the Dean of Students and 2) update their organizations HornsLink to be HornsLink Official. (Participation in the Pillars program is not a pre-requisite) and 3) complete the online application by the deadline.

If your organization is frozen in HornsLink, that means it is not in good standing. Please email Student Activities with the full name of your organization to learn how to resolve any issues.

2024 Swing Out Awards Finalists

*Indicates winner

Best Academic/Departmental Organization

Best Artistic Organization

Best Cultural Organization

Best Political/Activist Organization

Best Professional Organization

Best Recreational Organization

Best Service Organization

Best Social Organization

Best Spirit Organization

Best New Organization

Best Graduate Organization

Most Improved Organization

Healthiest Organization

Outstanding Advisor

Most Outstanding Student Organization