Office of the Dean of Students          

Swing Out Awards - Award Categories

There are fourteen (14) Swing Out Award categories.

This award is for an organization founded within an academic or departmental community. It is given to an organization that goes above and beyond to contribute to their academic community and overcome challenges inherent in an academic setting. This organization utilizes their resources to promote educational success.

This award is for an organization dedicated to artistic expression. It is given to an organization that positively impacts members, the UT Austin community and the greater Austin community through artistic programs. This organization effectively showcases its creativity throughout the coordination of artistic programs.

The Best Cultural Award is open to all registered organizations. Cultural interest as defined by your organization is eligible for this award. Best Cultural Award will acknowledge an organization that promotes awareness and education about the culture(s) it exemplifies. This organization should demonstrate how it enriches the cultural experiences of its audience.

This award is for an organization that involves itself in the political process. It is given to an organization that educates others about the issues(s) that it stands for and advocates for its cause(s). This organization effectively organizes and engages the UT Austin community in their cause(s).

This award is for an organization that focuses on professional vocation. It is given to an organization that encourages networking with professionals in the members' field and offers opportunities that will contribute to the members' success after graduation. This organization teaches members useful skills that will translate well into a professional career.

This award is given to an organization that promotes and provides recreational outlets for members. This organization offers the UT community a unique and impactful experience through recreation.

This award is for an organization dedicated to service. It is given to an organization that positively impacts members, the UT Austin community, and the greater Austin community through programs and service opportunities. This organization coordinates projects that have a significant impact on its members and the communities it serves.

This award is given to an organization that promotes both camaraderie among its members as well as social unity on the UT Austin campus. This organization provides social opportunities that foster community and contribute to the development of leadership among its members.

This award recognizes an organization that consistently fosters school spirit at UT Austin. Through its efforts, it inspires and energizes the student body, bringing enthusiasm to all corners of campus. This organization also works to cultivate a stronger sense of community and pride within the UT Austin culture.

This award is given to an organization that has brought a new and important community to The University of Texas at Austin that did not previously exist. This organization overcame obstacles in its early stages of development and has a strong plan to ensure their organization is sustainable and continues to grow on campus. *Eligibility: To be eligible for the Best New Organization award, an organization must have been approved as a new registered student organization in any of the following terms: Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024.

This award is given to an organization that works to have a positive impact on its members and the broader graduate student community. This organization uses their resources to promote the academic success and positive out-of-class experiences of graduate students. *Eligibility: To be eligible for the Best Graduate Organization award, 51% of the organization's active members must be graduate and/or professional students.

This award is for an organization that has shown tremendous improvement over the past year. It is given to an organization that recognized the areas where improvement was most needed and made changes to improve their organization as a whole.

Sponsored by the Longhorn Wellness Center, this award is for an organization that works towards creating a healthy group culture and community among its members. This organization incorporates health promoting activities within their meetings, philanthropies, and events.

This award is for an organization advisor who has gone above and beyond the call of their duties with the organization. It is given to an advisor who exhibits outstanding qualities and provides vital services for the organization. This advisor exceeds expectations on all fronts and is nominated by their student organization. *Eligibility: To be eligible for the Most Outstanding Advisor award, the advisor must meet the requirements listed in Sec. 6-101 (6 - 7) of the Institutional Rules AND be listed in the organization's HornsLink roster as a 'University Adviser.' Only one advisor may be nominated by their organization even if the organization has multiple advisors. Additionally, advisors may not win two consecutive years in a row (i.e. last year's winner is not eligible to be nominated).

Most Outstanding Organization

Only organizations that win one of the fourteen (14) Swing Out Award categories will be considered for the Most Outstanding Organization award.

This award goes to an organization who has positively impacted the UT campus and has a strong connection to the university core values. This organization shines as an exemplary group of students who strive to be the best they can be and give back to the UT community in their own way.