Student Organization Funding Opportunities
Here you will find a list of funding opportunities for registered student organizations. This page is continuously updated with new opportunities and information, so be sure to check back periodically. Please take a moment to review the descriptions listed by each entity below to see if your organization may be eligible to apply for funding. Best of luck with your events, projects, and initiatives!
Click on one of the categories below to see the listings.
Open to ALL Registered Student Organizations

Funding Restrictions (xlsx)
Campus and Student Safety Mini-Grant
The Campus and Student Safety Mini-Grant is a competitive grant program funded by the Haruka Weiser Endowed Excellence Fund for Campus and Student Safety to support safety-related projects and initiatives proposed by UT Austin students, faculty, staff, or registered student organizations. Campus and student safety may include a consideration for physical space, online space, mental health and/or well being with a focus on impacting the greater campus community. Mini-grant applications for amounts up to $1,000 are accepted at any time.
Campus Events + Entertainment Events CoSponsorship Board (ECB)
The Events CoSponsorship Board (ECB) provides funding for Registered Student Organizations at The University of Texas at Austin. ECB provides financial and logistical support for student organizations as they produce quality events. Each week, organizations present their program idea to ECB and their need for the Board's support. Because of a limited budget, ECB must decide by deliberation which groups will receive ECB CoSponsorship.
- Printed Materials (poster, fliers, banners, programs, stickers),
- Office Supplies (pen, paper, folders, binders, markers, etc.) - only for on-campus events hosted by registered student organizations (RSOs),
- Supplies (decorations, paper and plastic goods, such as plates, forks),
- Equipment (cooler, speakers, propane, helium, etc.) (equipment must be returned)
College of Liberal Arts General Fund
Student Organization Funding Requests create an opportunity for Registered Student Organizations, with a preference to COLA organizations, to receive financial support from the College of Liberal Arts for key events or programs. Requests should be submitted no less than three weeks prior to the event.
- Requests should be submitted no less than three weeks prior to the event.
- Funds are distributed on a rolling basis, beginning in the Fall, throughout the academic year.
Graduate Student Assembly
Graduate Student Assembly allocates funding to Registered Student Organizations, primarily made up of graduate and professional students, to support events and initiatives on campus that cater to graduate and professional students.
Application closes: Wednesday, January 22, at 8 p.m.
- Tshirts,
- Printed Materials (poster, fliers, banners, programs, stickers),
- Promotional Items (pin/ChapStick, sunglasses, etc.),
- Office Supplies (pen, paper, folders, binders, markers, etc.),
- Supplies (decorations, paper and plastic goods, such as plates, forks)
Senate of College Councils
Senate of College Councils allocates funding to Registered Student Organizations for academic-based events and initiatives on campus.
Application closes: Wednesday, January 22, at 8 p.m.
- Tshirts,
- Printed Materials (poster, fliers, banners, programs, stickers),
- Promotional Items (pin/ChapStick, sunglasses, etc.),
- Office Supplies (pen, paper, folders, binders, markers, etc.),
- Supplies (decorations, paper and plastic goods, such as plates, forks)
Student Government Appropriations
Student Government allocates funding to Registered Student Organizations to help support events and initiatives that improve the student experience, and/or contribute to campus communities.
Application closes: Wednesday, January 22, at 8 p.m.
- Tshirts,
- Printed Materials (poster, fliers, banners, programs, stickers),
- Promotional Items (pin/ChapStick, sunglasses, etc.),
- Office Supplies (pen, paper, folders, binders, markers, etc.),
- Supplies (decorations, paper and plastic goods, such as plates, forks)
Student Government Excellence Fund
Student Government Execellence Fund allocates funding to Registered Student Organizations for projects or ideas under the theme of philantrophy.
Application closes: Friday, January 31, at 5 p.m.
- Tshirts,
- Printed Materials (poster, fliers, banners, programs, stickers),
- Promotional Items (pin/ChapStick, sunglasses, etc.),
- Office Supplies (pen, paper, folders, binders, markers, etc.),
- Supplies (decorations, paper and plastic goods, such as plates, forks)
Student Government Fertitta Fund
Student Government Ferttita Fund allocates funding to Registered Student Organizations for programs or projects that promote student involvement and creates an awareness of the impact made by national, state, and local politics on their life as a student.
Application closes: Friday, January 31, at 5 p.m.
- Tshirts,
- Printed Materials (poster, fliers, banners, programs, stickers),
- Promotional Items (pin/ChapStick, sunglasses, etc.),
- Office Supplies (pen, paper, folders, binders, markers, etc.),
- Supplies (decorations, paper and plastic goods, such as plates, forks)
Texas Exes Student Org Banner Competition
The annual Texas Fight Rally and Parade is held Wed before the TX-OU game. Participate in the Texas Fight Rally Banner Competition and your registered student organization can win up to $1,000 for its preferred nonprofit organization.
The Green Fund General Allocations
The Green Fund, formerly Green Fee, is a competitive grant program funded by UT Austin tuition fees to support sustainability-related projects and initiatives proposed by any enrolled UT Austin students, registered or sponsored student organization, faculty, or staff. Funds are awarded each May through an annual grant competition.
- The funding cycle opens in December with a deadline in February.
- Funding will be distributed in June/July.
The Green Fund Mini-Grant
The Green Fund, formerly Green Fee, is a competitive grant program funded by UT Austin tuition fees to support sustainability-related projects and initiatives proposed by university students, registered student organizations, faculty, or staff. Only a limited number of mini-grants (up to $1,000) are awarded on a year-round rolling basis. Mini-grant funds must be managed by a staff or faculty member.
Fundraising Opportunities
Registered student organizations must have access to a UT-30 account in order to fundraise through the following platforms.
40 Hours for the Forty Acres
40 Hours for the Forty Acres is The University of Texas at Austin's annual day of giving. For 40 hours, UT alumni, students, faculty, staff, parents, and friends come together to support the people, places, and pursuits that mean the most to them, amplifying their impact through the power of Longhorn Nation. Any college, school, department, program, non-sponsored or non-affiliated organizations, and individuals can participate as long as they fundraise for, or on behalf of, a UT research, service, or education initiative with a UT account to fundraise into.
The 40 for Forty application is now live and open until March 7, 2025. During the application period our team is working to ensure that the new platform will offer a seamless and enhanced experience for all participants. To stay in the loop with updates, please contact to join our listserv.
HornRaiser is The University of Texas at Austin's official crowdfunding platform. Students, faculty and staff can use HornRaiser as a tool to raise money for everything from research projects and class trips to uniforms, competitions and scholarships. You must have a UT departmental affiliation and/or advisor and access to a UT 30-account that can accept contributions.
Over the next few months, the HornRaiser site will be undergoing maintenance as we transition to a new and improved online platform. During this period, our team is working to ensure that the new platform will offer a seamless and enhanced experience for all participants. We plan to start accepting HornRaiser applications during the summer for the fall 2025 cohort on our new platform.
Restricted to College-Sponsored Organizations
The following colleges/entities will only allocate to their respective college-sponsored organizations. For more information, please refer to the corresponding website or listed contact.
College of Natural Sciences Event Funding
If your CNS-Registered Student Organization is hosting an event that requires funding, please complete the application form at least 2 weeks in advance of your event date and events must have a minimum of 50 expected attendees. We award funding on a case-by-case basis after review based on our deadlines below.
- Please complete applications at least 2 weeks prior to the event that needs funding.
- Funding is distributed on two deadlines per semester throughout the academic year.
- For Spring 2025, first round of requests are due Sunday, February 9th, 2025. Second round of requests are due Sunday, March 9th, 2025.
College of Pharmacy
For Dean's Allocations funding, College of Pharmacy-affiliated student organizations (both Sponsored and Registered Student Organizations) may propose a budget during the Summer for the academic year to present for approval.
- Budget proposals are due in the summer prior to the academic year.
- Funds are distributed annually in the Fall.
Dell Medical School
For Dell Medical School Student Organization event funding, only Dell Medical Affiliated Student Organizations, including both undergraduate and graduate organizations, can submit event funding and details at least two weeks in advance prior to the event.
- Must contact at least two weeks in advance before the event.
- Funding is distributed on an event-by-event basis throughout the academic year and Summer.
Graduate Public Affairs Council
The Graduate Public Affairs Council will allocate to only Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs Graduate Student Organizations. For more information, please refer to the corresponding website or listed contact.
- Applications open at the beginning of Summer.
- Budget proposal is due two weeks before school starts in the Fall.
- Funding is distributed once per academic year.
Jackson School of Geosciences
For Dean's Allocations funding, only Jackson School of Geosciences-Affiliated Student Organizations must propose a budget before the academic year to present it for approval.
- Newly established student organizations must be in contact with the JSG Student Affairs Office by July 1.
- Mandatory budget discussions will be scheduled during late July/early August.
- Funding is distributed annually in the Fall.
School of Architecture
For Dean's Allocation funding, only School of Architecture-Affiliated Student Organizations must propose an outline of the funding request to present to the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs for approval.
School of Information
Allocated funding is available to only School of Information-Sponsored Undergraduate and Graduate Student Organizations to support their events and initiatives. Applications need to be completed two weeks in advance of their needed funding date.
- Applications need to be completed two weeks in advance of the needed funding date.
- Funding is distributed on a rolling basis, beginning in the Fall, throughout the academic year.
- Students can contact for further undergraduate inquiries.
- Students can contact for further graduate inquiries.
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