Office of the Dean of Students          

Find a Space

Need to find a space for a meeting or event? This tool is designed to help student organizations and academic and administrative units find the indoor or outdoor space that will best meet their needs.

What kind of space are you looking for?

Use the filter tool below to find your ideal space based on capacity and/or features like a stage or projector. Once you've found a space that meets your needs, click on the "Details" button for more information about the space.

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BuildingRoomCapacityFeaturesScheduling DepartmentDetails
(ART) Art Building and Museum1.102274Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ART) Art Building and Museum1.11087Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ART) Art Building and Museum1.12086Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ART) Art Building and MuseumCOMMONS75Screening room with speakers and projector. An 8 x 16’ meeting table with whiteboards and cork boards for meetings and workshops. Resource library with philosophy, art, theory, and history books. Info table available for guests to leave takeaways for incoming guests. A lounge for rest, reading, and relaxation. A series of four top tables for studying/reading.Visual Arts Center
(ASE) Aerospace Engineering Building1.12420Dual ProjectorsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ASE) Aerospace Engineering Building1.12694Dual ProjectorVaries
(BEL) L. Theo Bellmont Hall328270Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BEL) L. Theo Bellmont Hall348200Multipurpose room, Built-in speakers (1); volleyball/badminton courts and nets; Photos: Sports
(BEL) L. Theo Bellmont Hall628200Dodgeball courts (2); Equipment - Soccer balls, soccer goals, dodgeballs; Photos: Sports
(BEL) L. Theo Bellmont HallDance Studio 502A Dance StudioRecreational Sports
(BEL) L. Theo Bellmont HallMartial Arts 904 Mixed martial arts mats (2); ceiling-mounted heavy bags (1); speed bag, interlocking foam mat; Photos: Sports
(BEL) L. Theo Bellmont HallMultipurpose 302 Built-in speakers (7); fencing strips; Photos: Sports
(BEL) L. Theo Bellmont HallSquash Court Squash.Recreational Sports
(BEN) Benedict Hall1.10226Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BEN) Benedict Hall1.10426Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BEN) Benedict Hall1.10621Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BEN) Benedict Hall1.10826Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BEN) Benedict Hall1.11812Blackboard, Media Console, Movable Chairs, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BEN) Benedict Hall1.12236Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BEN) Benedict Hall1.12428Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BEN) Benedict Hall1.12631Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BIO) Biological Laboratories30135Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BME) Biomedical Engineering Building1.112 Conference Room18Moveable Chairs, Projector, Dry erase boardBiomedical Engineering
(BME) Biomedical Engineering Building3.202 Lobby250Banquet SeatingBiomedical Engineering
(BME) Biomedical Engineering Building3.204 Seminar Room50Media Console, Moveable Chairs, ProjectorBiomedical Engineering
(BME) Biomedical Engineering Building3.206 Conference Room22Media Console, Moveable Chairs, ProjectorBiomedical Engineering
(BME) Biomedical Engineering Building4.202G Conference Room6Moveable ChairsBiomedical Engineering
(BME) Biomedical Engineering Building4.202H Conference Room16Moveable Chairs, ProjectorBiomedical Engineering
(BME) Biomedical Engineering Building5.202H Conference Room6Moveable ChairsBiomedical Engineering
(BME) Biomedical Engineering Building5.202I Conference Room16Moveable Chairs, ProjectorBiomedical Engineering
(BRB) Bernard and Audre Rapoport Building1.10214Seminar, Transparency Projector, Moveable ChairsDepartment of Economics
(BRB) Bernard and Audre Rapoport Building1.11849Projector, Media Console, Doc Cam, ClassroomDepartment of Economics
(BRB) Bernard and Audre Rapoport Building1.1230Projector, Media Console, Doc Cam, ClassroomDepartment of Economics
(BRB) Bernard and Audre Rapoport Building2.13649Projector, Media Console, Doc Cam, ClassroomDepartment of Economics
(BUR) Burdine Hall106527Blackboard, Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall108115Blackboard, Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall112115Blackboard, Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall116115Blackboard, Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall12822Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall13070Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall13470Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall13689Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall20888Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall21288Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall21688Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall22063Blackboard, Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall22478Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(BUR) Burdine Hall22822Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CAL) Calhoun Hall100145Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CAL) Calhoun Hall20024Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CAL) Calhoun Hall2118Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Activities
(CAL) Calhoun Hall2218Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CAL) Calhoun Hall22121Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CAL) Calhoun Hall32318Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CAL) Calhoun Hall41919Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.32448Limited Media, Movable Chairs, Movable Tables, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.32648Limited Media, Movable Chairs, Movable Tables, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.32869Continuous Writing Surface, Limited Media, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.33048Limited Media, Movable Chairs, Movable Tables, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.33248Limited Media, Movable Chairs, Movable Tables, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.33616Blackboard, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.33820Blackboard, Limited Media, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.34020Blackboard, Limited Media, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.34220Blackboard, Limited Media, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.34440Limited Media, Moveable Chairs, Movable Tables, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.34616Blackboard, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CBA) McCombs School of Business4.34849Limited Media, Moveable Chairs, Movable Tables, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CMA) Jesse H. Jones Communication Center - Building A2.306197Media Console, White BoardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CMA) Jesse H. Jones Communication Center - Building A3.10815Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable Tables, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CMA) Jesse H. Jones Communication Center - Building A3.11448Media Console, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CMA) Jesse H. Jones Communication Center - Building A3.13415Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable Tables, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CMA) Jesse H. Jones Communication Center - Building A5.19027Media Console, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CPE) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building2.20492Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, GlassboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CPE) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building2.20670Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, GlassboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CPE) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building2.208140Media Console, GlassboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CPE) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building2.21071Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, GlassboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CPE) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building2.21272Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, GlassboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CPE) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building2.214140Media Console, GlassboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CPE) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building2.21672Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, GlassboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CPE) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building2.21889Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, GlassboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(CPE) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building2.22072Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, GlassboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ECJ) Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall1.202172Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Dual Projector, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ECJ) Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall1.20476Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ECJ) Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall1.21482Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ECJ) Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall1.22240Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Dual Projector, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ECJ) Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall1.30424Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ECJ) Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall1.30642Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Dual Projector, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ECJ) Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall1.30848Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ECJ) Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall1.31448Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(EER) Engineering Education and Research Center0.6046This room in the NI Student Project Center has 6 seats and is available to the CSE community, with priority given to Longhorn Maker Studio groups. This room does not have a door for privacy. This room has a stairwell exit/entrance and thus the privacy of meetings cannot be guaranteed.Cockrell School of Engineering
(EER) Engineering Education and Research Center0.70622This room off the Commons has 20 seats and is available to the UT community, with priority given to library programming, official student organizations, and UT faculty and staff.Cockrell School of Engineering
(EER) Engineering Education and Research Center0.70820This room off the Commons has 20 seats and is available to the UT community, with priority given to library programming, official student organizations, and UT faculty and staff.Cockrell School of Engineering
(EER) Engineering Education and Research Center1.61410This room in the NI Student Project Center has 10 seats and is available to the CSE community, with priority given to Longhorn MakerStudio groups.Cockrell School of Engineering
(EER) Engineering Education and Research Center2.610  16This room in the North Tower has 16 seats and is available to the CSE community, with priority given to Engineering Student Services Office.Cockrell School of Engineering
(EER) Engineering Education and Research Center2.6808This room in the North Tower has 8 seats and is available to the CSE community, with priority given to Engineering Student Services.Cockrell School of Engineering
(EER) Engineering Education and Research Center2.85020This room in the South Tower has 20 seats and is available to the CSE community, with priority given to Engineering Student Services Office.Cockrell School of Engineering
(EER) Engineering Education and Research Center2.87410This room in the ECE administrative area seats 10 and is only available to the ECE department.Cockrell School of Engineering
(EER) Engineering Education and Research Center3.86412This room in the South Tower seats 12 and is only available to the ECE community.Cockrell School of Engineering
(ETC) Engineering Teaching Center II2.10230Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Movable Tables, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ETC) Engineering Teaching Center II2.108154Media Console, White BoardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ETC) Engineering Teaching Center II2.11438Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ETC) Engineering Teaching Center II2.13238Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(ETC) Engineering Teaching Center II2.13693Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(FAC) Peter T. Flawn Academic Center21281Blackboard, Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Activities
(GAR) Garrison Hall0.102199Blackboard, Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GAR) Garrison Hall0.12026Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GAR) Garrison Hall0.12836Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GAR) Garrison Hall0.13235Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GAR) Garrison Hall1.12646Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GAR) Garrison Hall1.13422Blackboard, Limited Media, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GAR) Garrison Hall2.11242Blackboard, Media Console, Movable Chairs, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GAR) Garrison Hall2.12414Limited Media, Moveable Chairs, Seminar Room, Movable Tables, White BoardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GAR) Garrison Hall2.12830Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Movable TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GAR) Garrison Hall3.11638Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex1.30484Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardVaries
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex1.40636Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex2.21040Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex2.216200Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardVaries
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex2.40224Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex2.41028Media Console, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex2.50224Media Console, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex4.30248Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex4.30448Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardVaries
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex5.30262Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardVaries
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex5.30428Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GDC) Gates Dell Complex6.20235Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Movable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GEA) Mary E. Gearing Hall105172Blackboard, Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GEA) Mary E. Gearing Hall11442Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GEA) Mary E. Gearing Hall12735Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GRE) Gregory Gymnasium1.104 - Classroom 136Tables, moveable chairs, and dry erase boards.Recreational Sports
(GRE) Gregory GymnasiumAerobics North 2.106 Dance studio, hardwood floors, and mirrors.Recreational Sports
(GRE) Gregory GymnasiumAerobics South 2.108 Dance studio, hardwood floors, mirrorsRecreational Sports
(GRE) Gregory GymnasiumAnnex 3.1142400Dual drop, forward retractable, electrically operated baskets; glass backboards with fast-track padding system; scoreboards wired to allow independent use (volleyball) or in pairs (basketball); electrically operated, fold-up divider nets (open mesh with bottom 2' solid vinyl); key controlled basket/net operation with wall mounted switches; bleacher seating for 500.Recreational Sports
(GRE) Gregory GymnasiumArena 3.1084400Portable basket units; glass backboards with fast-track padding system; scoreboards wired to allow independent use (volleyball) or in pairs (basketball); electrically operated, fold-up divider nets (open mesh with bottom 2' solid vinyl); key controlled net operation with wall mounted switches; seating capacity of 4,400 using portable bleachers and balcony seating, or 5,000 for stage events with floor seating; adjoining elevated stage.; Pre-function area; built-in storageRecreational Sports
(GRE) Gregory GymnasiumConcourse Open area, high traffic, tablingRecreational Sports
(GRE) Gregory GymnasiumHandball Courts Handball, provision for wallyball nets, combination of acoustical ceiling tiles and hard panel tiles, panel doors with viewing insertsRecreational Sports
(GRE) Gregory GymnasiumLounge275Moveable tables, Moveable chairs, Big screen television, billiards tables, lounge furniture and games tables, KitchenRecreational Sports
(GRE) Gregory GymnasiumSquash Courts Squash, International dimensions, acoustical ceiling panels for sound absorption; individual court speaker systemRecreational Sports
(GSB) Graduate School of Business Building2.12267Blackboard, Continuous Writing Surface, Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GSB) Graduate School of Business Building2.124182Limited Media, White BoardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(GSB) Graduate School of Business Building2.126121Continuous Writing Surface, Limited Media, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(HMA) Hogg Memorial AuditoriumAuditorium1208Stage, audio, lighting, projection. 790 fixed seats in orchestra level and 360 in balcony.University Unions
(HMA) Hogg Memorial AuditoriumDownstairs818University Unions
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA121A400Blackboard, Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA203A32Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA205A20Media Console, Moveable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA207A30Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable Chairs, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA209A38Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA215A35Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA216A38Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA217A35Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA218A40Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA303A40Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA305A40Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JES) Beauford H. Jester CenterA307A40Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JGB) Jackson Geological Sciences Building2.20240Media Console, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JGB) Jackson Geological Sciences Building2.216117Blackboard, Media Console, Continuous Writing Surface, Dual Projector, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JGB) Jackson Geological Sciences Building2.21891Blackboard, Media Console, Dual Projector, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(JGB) Jackson Geological Sciences Building2.324278Blackboard, Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(LBJ) Lyndon B. Johnson LibraryAuditorium967Stage, visual equipmentThompson Conference Center
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.10231Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.10414Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.11824Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.12042Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.12224Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.20226Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.20424Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.20621Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.20828Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.21027Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.21230Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.21631Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall1.306203Projector, Media Console, Doc Cam, Split Screens, AuditoriumStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall2.10224Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall2.11824Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall2.12226Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes Hall2.12440Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes HallB0.30226Blackboard, Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(MEZ) Mezes HallB0.306100Blackboard, Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(NOA) North Office Building A1.10275Due to construction this space cannot be reserved at this time.ROOM CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE!!!
(NOA) North Office Building A1.11019Due to construction this space cannot be reserved at this time.ROOM CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE!!!
(NOA) North Office Building A1.11640Due to construction this space cannot be reserved at this time.ROOM CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE!!!
(NOA) North Office Building A1.12495Due to construction this space cannot be reserved at this time.ROOM CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE!!!
(NOA) North Office Building A1.12693Due to construction this space cannot be reserved at this time.ROOM CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE!!!
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterB. Iden Payne Theatre500The 500-seat B. Iden Payne Theatre provides the perfect setting for plays and dance performances, allowing audiences a close-up look at the action onstage.Department of Theatre and Dance
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterBass Concert Hall2900vast stage, an orchestra pit capable of holding 100 musicians, dressing rooms to accommodate more than 100 performers, computerized lighting, advanced sound and rigging systems, and a mammoth backstage area complete with workshops for carpentry, costumes, painting, metalwork and propsTexas Performing Arts
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterBass Concert Hall 3rd Lobby Level440Banquet Seating, wood floors, sculptures, 42-seat cafe, floor-to-ceiling windowsTexas Performing Arts
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterBass Concert Hall 4th Lobby Level440Banquet Seating, seated dinner, grand staircase, balconyTexas Performing Arts
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterBass Concert Hall 5th Lobby Level440Banquet Seating, patio with views of Darrell K Royal - Texas Memorial Stadium, barTexas Performing Arts
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterBass Concert Hall 6th Lobby Level440Banquet Seating, skylight, balcony with patio furniture, view of the UT TowerTexas Performing Arts
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterBass Concert Hall Main Lobby440Banquet Seating, 2 47" HDTVs with DVD players, sculpturesTexas Performing Arts
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterBates Recital Hall700700-seat venue that is capable of hosting symphony orchestras, major choral presentations and concert bands, ensembles and solo recitals. The hall also houses the countrys largest tracker organ.Butler School of Music
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterMcCullough Theatre400Features just under 400 seats, a 30-foot proscenium stage and an orchestra pit equipped for 35 musicians.Texas Performing Arts
(PAC) Performing Arts CenterOscar G. Brockett Theatre244Moveable Chairs, StageTheatre & Dance
(PAI) T. S. Painter Hall2.480137Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAI) T. S. Painter Hall3.020199Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAI) T. S. Painter Hall4.420137Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall169Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall10141Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall10336Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall10543Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall20169Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall20369Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall20434Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall20640Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall20839Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall21020Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall21415Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall30169Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall30227Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall30340Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall30435Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall30518Moveable Chairs, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall30640Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall30833Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PAR) Parlin Hall31022Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PHR) Pharmacy Building2.108131Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PHR) Pharmacy Building2.110138Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PHR) Pharmacy Building2.11457Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PHR) Pharmacy Building2.11644Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building4.102147Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building5.10484Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building5.11230Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building5.11641Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building5.11841Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building5.12042Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building5.12242Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building5.12438Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building5.12632Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building6.10484Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building6.11230Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building6.11439Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building6.11640Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building6.11841Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building6.12041Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building6.12241Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building6.12440Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building6.12635Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building7.10484Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building7.11230Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building7.11454Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building7.11652Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building7.12440Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(PMA) Physics, Math and Astronomy Building)5.11440Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.102100Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.10436Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.10630Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.10820Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.112100Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.11830Media Console, Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.12020Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.12232Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.12416Media Console, Moveable Chairs, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.126135Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.128100Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall0.130125Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall1.10232Media Console, Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall1.10476Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall1.10676Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RLP) Patton Hall1.10832Media Console, Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(RSC) Recreational Sports Center2.200 - Gymnasium2500Banquet seating, electronically operated retractable backboards, divider curtains, bleachers and score clocks; individual sound/speaker system for eventsRecreational Sports
(RSC) Recreational Sports CenterConcourse Open area, high traffic, tablingRecreational Sports
(RSC) Recreational Sports CenterHandball Courts Provision for wallyball nets; individual court speaker system; carpeted seating/viewing area behind courtsRecreational Sports
(RSC) Recreational Sports CenterLounge (2.104)200Banquet Seating, moveable chairs, moveable tables, lounge furniture, large screen television; retractable partition wall to room 2.112, individual room sound system, kitchenRecreational Sports
(RSC) Recreational Sports CenterMartial Arts 1.138 Wall mounted heavy and speed bags; 55 linear feet of wall paddingRecreational Sports
(RSC) Recreational Sports CenterMultipurpose Room 1.104300Marley floors, mirrors, individual room sound system for fitness and dance classes. Recreational Sports
(RSC) Recreational Sports CenterMultipurpose Room 1.106300mirrors, individual room sound system for fitness and dance classesRecreational Sports
(RSC) Recreational Sports CenterMultipurpose Room 2.112160Retractable partition wall to room 2.104, individual room sound system, table tennisRecreational Sports
(RSC) Recreational Sports CenterSquash Courts Individual court speaker system; carpeted seating/viewing area behind courtsRecreational Sports
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building1.33240Projector, TouchControl, Mac/Win, DocCam, DVD, VCRPsychology
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building2.10830Two data projectors, split-screen capabilities, two wireless microphones, A/V equipment, Two Computers, VCR, Doc CamDepartment of Psychology
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building2.11424Two data projectors, split-screen capabilities, two wireless microphones, A/V equipment, Two Computers, VCR, Doc CamDepartment of Psychology
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building2.11622Two data projectors, split-screen capabilities, two wireless microphones, A/V equipment, Two Computers, VCR, Doc CamDepartment of Psychology
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building2.12224two data projectors, with split-screen capabilities, A/V equipment, Two Computers, DVD, VCR, Doc Cam, Computer LabDepartment of Psychology
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building2.22416Projector, Doc Cam, DVD, VCR, Moveable ChairsDepartment of Psychology
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building3.25035Moveable Chairs, Projector, Doc Cam, DVD, VCRDepartment of Psychology
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building4.24216Moveable Chairs, Projector, Doc Cam, DVD, VCRDepartment of Psychology
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building4.24480Moveable Chairs, Projector with split screen, Doc Cam, DVD, VCRDepartment of Psychology
(SEA) Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building5.10612Moveable Chairs, Projector, Doc Cam, DVD, VCRDepartment of Psychology
(SJH) San Jacinto Residence Hall20416Screen, Conference room, classroom, or theaterDivision of Housing and Food Service
(SJH) San Jacinto Residence Hall20616Screen, Conference room, classroom, or theaterDivision of Housing and Food Service
(SJH) San Jacinto Residence Hall20816Screen, conference room, classroom, or theater setupDivision of Housing and Food Service
(SJH) San Jacinto Residence Hall21020Projector, screen, conference room, classroom, or theater setupDivision of Housing and Food Service
(SJH) San Jacinto Residence HallMPR 207 A90Projector, screen, moveable chairs, tables; banquet, classroom, or theater setupDivision of Housing and Food Service
(SJH) San Jacinto Residence HallMPR 207 ABC270Projector, screen, moveable chairs, tables, stage; banquet, classroom, or theater setupDivision of Housing and Food Service
(SJH) San Jacinto Residence HallMPR 207 B90Projector, screen, moveable chairs, tables, stage; banquet, classroom, or theater setupDivision of Housing and Food Service
(SJH) San Jacinto Residence HallMPR 207 C90Projector, screen, moveable chairs, tables; banquet, classroom, or theater setupDivision of Housing and Food Service
(SSB) Student Services Building3.40620Moveable Chairs, Projector, Conference RoomUniversity Unions
(SSB) Student Services Building4.21230Moveable Chairs, ProjectorUniversity Unions
(SSB) Student Services BuildingG1.10418Moveable Chairs, Moveable Tables, ProjectorUniversity Unions
(SSB) Student Services BuildingG1.10618Moveable Chairs, ProjectorUniversity Unions
(SSB) Student Services BuildingG1.1166Moveable ChairsUniversity Unions
(SSB) Student Services BuildingG1.310 (Glenn Maloney Room)100Moveable Chairs, Moveable Tables, ProjectorUniversity Unions
(SSB) Student Services BuildingG1.4026Moveable ChairsUniversity Unions
(SSB) Student Services BuildingG1.4066Moveable ChairsUniversity Unions
(SSB) Student Services BuildingG1.4106Moveable ChairsUniversity Unions
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building1.510 (Formerly 104)129Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building2.216 (Formerly 278)45Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building2.222 (Formerly 284)30Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building2.418 (Formerly 240)36Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building2.802 (Formerly 296)64Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building2.814 (Formerly 286)30Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building3.508 (Formerly 330)55Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building3.802 (Formerly 380)36Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building3.814 (Formerly 370)65Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building4.406 (Formerly 434)15Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building4.414 (Formerly 426)36Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building4.508 (Formerly 416)40Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building4.618 (Formerly 422)35Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building5.414 (Formely 524)35Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(SZB) George I. Sanchez Building5.624 (Formerly 526)30Moveable Chairs, TablesStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.102 Big Tex Auditorium325Auditorium Seating with Elevated Stage; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.106 Lone Star Room16Moveable Tables and Ergonomic Chairs; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.108 Balcones Room72Moveable Tables and Ergonomic Chairs; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.112G Tower Room24Moveable Tables and Ergonomic Chairs; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.122 Li'l Tex Auditorium144Auditorium Seating with Elevated Stage; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.130 Longhorn Room40Moveable Tables and Ergonomic Chairs; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.138 Stadium Room56Moveable Tables and Ergonomic Chairs; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.140 Bevo Room40Moveable Tables and Ergonomic Chairs; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.162 Mustang Room28Moveable Tables and Ergonomic Chairs; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.164 Capitol Room20Moveable Tables and Ergonomic Chairs; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson Commons1.210 Campus Dining Room46Private Dining Room; A/V Options AvailableCommons Learning Center
(TCB) J. Neils Thompson CommonsAtrium335Banquet and Exhibit OptionsCommons Learning Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center1.12216multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center1.12434multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center1.12630multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center2.102188multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center2.10830multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center2.11049multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center2.12080multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center2.12254multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center3.102188multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center3.10840multiple room setupsThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference CenterAuditorium (1.110)230stageThompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference CenterLobby125Thompson Conference Center
(TCC) Joe C. Thompson Conference CenterPatio40Thompson Conference Center
(UA9) 2609 University Avenue2.106304 moveable tables on wheels, 16 chairs, extra chairs in room. Mirrored wall, tiled floors, TV with AV hookups.University Unions
(UA9) 2609 University Avenue2.10818Built in screen. 3 moveable tables on wheels, 10 chairs, extra chairs in room.University Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingAsian Culture Room50chairs, tables, banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingBallroom975Chairs, tables, projector, Banquet seating, stageUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingBoard of Directors Room32projector, conference table, chairsUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingChicano Culture Room50chairs, tables, banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingConference Room10chairs, conference tableUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingEastwoods Room70Chairs, tables, Projector, Banquet SeatingUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingLone Star Room40chairs, tables, banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingMeeting Room12Moveable Chairs, Conference RoomUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingPearce Hall54chairs, tablesUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingQuadrangle Room199tables, banquet seating, projectorUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingSanta Rita Suite199chairs, tables, banquet seating, dual projectorsUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingSinclair Suite49chairs, tables, banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingTexas Governors Room50chairs, tables, banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(UNB) Union BuildingTheatre372Stage, Microphones, Projector, Theater seatingUniversity Unions
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.10274Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.10475Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.11658Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.11858Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.13078Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.13277Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.13612Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar Room, Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.14212Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar Room, Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.14478Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center1.14678Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center2.102A355Limited Media, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center2.112A514Limited Media, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center3.102103Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center3.104102Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center3.110102Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center3.112102Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center3.12019Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar Room, Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center3.122105Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center3.124105Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center3.132105Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center3.134105Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.102103Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.104103Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.110102Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.112102Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.11410Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar Room, Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.12016Moveable Chairs, Tables, Seminar Room, Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.122105Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.124105Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.132105Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(UTC) University Teaching Center4.134104Limited MediaStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WAG) Waggener Hall101124Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WAG) Waggener Hall11225Moveable Chairs, Seminar RoomStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WAG) Waggener Hall20182Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WAG) Waggener Hall20825Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WAG) Waggener Hall21023Moveable Chairs, Seminar RoomDepartment of Philosophy
(WAG) Waggener Hall21485Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WAG) Waggener Hall30288Projector, Media Console, Doc Cam, Classroom. The instructional media is run by Liberal Arts ITS group, and they should be contacted separately for access.Department of Philosophy
(WAG) Waggener Hall30720Seminar Room with tables, chairs, and chalkboards. No instructional media.Department of Philosophy
(WAG) Waggener Hall30830Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WAG) Waggener Hall42076Media ConsoleStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WCH) Will C. Hogg Building1.120321Media Console, Dual ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center1.106 Meeting Room56Moveable Chairs, Moveable tables, projector, Banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center1.118 Meeting Room56Fixed seating, projectorUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center1.402 Auditorium466Stage, Microphone, ProjectorUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center2.120 Meeting Room80Moveable Chairs, Moveable tables, projector, Banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center2.302 Legislative Assembly Room150Fixed seating, projectorUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center2.304 Black Box Theatre150Moveable Chairs, Moveable tables, projector, Banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center2.310 Dance Rehearsal Space50Dance Studio, Hardwood Floors, Bars, Sprung/Ballet FloorUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center2.410 Ballroom550Moveable Chairs, Moveable tables, projector, Banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center3.106 Balcony Room A22Moveable Chairs, Moveable tables, Projector, TVUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center3.112 Balcony Room B36Moveable Chairs, Moveable tables, projector, Banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center3.114 Executive Conference Room38Fixed set up, ProjectorUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center3.116 Balcony Room C36Moveable Chairs, Moveable tables, projector, Banquet seatingUniversity Unions
(WCP) William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center5.10238Media Console, Projector, Doc CamRegistrar
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall1.308329Media Console, Dual Projector, StageStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall1.316260Media Console, Dual Projector, Stage, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall2.122231Media Console, Dual Projector, StageStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall2.224483Media Console, Dual Projector, StageStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall2.25656Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall2.30492Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall2.30895Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall2.31297Media Console, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall3.26036Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall3.26630Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall3.40236Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall3.502216Media Console, Dual Projector, Continuous Writing SurfaceStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WEL) Robert A. Welch Hall4.22429Media Console, Moveable ChairsStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
(WRW) W. R. Woolrich Laboratories102123Media Console, ProjectorStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall1.22240Media Console, Dual Projector, Continuous Writing Surface, WhiteboardStudent Orgs – Student Activities

Departments – Registrar's Office
Littlefield Housefirst floor75N/A - please contact School of Civic Leadership/Civitas Institute for these details.School of Civic Leadership

Use the filter tool below to find your ideal space based on capacity and/or features like a walkway or lawn. Once you've found a space that meets your needs, click on the "Details" button to view more information about the space.

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LocationType of SpaceSizeFeaturesScheduling DepartmentDetails
2609 University Avenue (UA9) Amplified Sound Area Courtyard Medium (M) Shade, Tables With Seating Student Activities
Animal Resources Center (ARC) East Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Surrounded By Trees Student Activities
Anna Hiss Gymnasium (AHG) Courtyard Courtyard Medium (M) Tables With Seating, Light Posts Student Activities
Battle Oaks Amplified Sound Area (Barbara Jordan Statue) Courtyard Small (S) Benches, Shade Student Activities
Batts Hall Courtyard Courtyard Medium (M) Benches, Seating Ledges, Trees, Light Posts, Wheelchair Ramp Student Activities
Biological Laboratories (BIO) West Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Trees Student Activities
Burdine (BUR) Courtyard Courtyard Medium (M) Shade, Bike Rack Student Activities
Calhoun Hall Courtyard Grassy Area Medium (M) Student Activities
Caven-Clark Courts Basketball Courts Medium (M) 4 lighted 72'x45' basketball courts, 4 lighted pickleball courts, Restrooms on property next door at Caven-Clark Field, Drinking fountains and bottle-filling stations Recreational Sports
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building (CPE) Lawn Grassy Area Large (L) Benches, Tables With Seating, Bike Racks, Some Shade Student Activities
Connally Center for Justice (CCJ) East Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Trees Student Activities
Creekside Residence Hall (CRH) Lawn Amplified Sound Area Grassy Area Large (L) The Creekside Residence Hall Lawn Amplified Sound Area is the area bounded by Dean Keeton Street on the north, by Waller Creek on the east and south, and by San Jacinto Boulevard on the west and south. Student Activities
Doty Fine Arts Building (DFA) South Lawn Grassy Area Large (L) Trees Student Activities
Doty Fine Arts Building (DFA) West Lawn Grassy Area Large (L) Trees Student Activities
East Mall Area 1 Grassy Area Medium (M) Not reservable starting 12/1/24 due to construction. Student Activities
East Mall Area 2 Grassy Area Medium (M) Not reservable starting 12/1/24 due to construction. Student Activities
East Mall Area 3 Grassy Area Medium (M) Not reservable starting 12/1/24 due to construction. Student Activities
Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall (ECJ) Plaza Plaza Medium (M) Tables With Seating, Bike Racks Student Activities
Flawn Academic Center (FAC) Patio Covered Patio Medium (M) Wrap-Around Covered Patio, Benches, Tables With Seating (Good For Tabling Events) Student Activities
Gates-Dell Complex (Circle of Towers) Courtyard Small (S) Only the area within the stone circle is reservable. Student Activities
George I. Sanchez Building (SZB) Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Trees Student Activities
George I. Sanchez Building (SZB) Northeast Plaza Plaza Medium (M) Tables With Seating Student Activities
Goldsmith Hall (GOL) Courtyard Courtyard Medium (M) Fountain, Benches, Trees School of Architecture
Graduate School of Business (GSB) North Plaza Plaza Medium (M) Student Activities
Gregory Gym Aquatic Complex (GREAQ) Event Pool & Deck Large (L) Tables With Umbrellas, Chairs, Sun Loungers, Volleyball, Basketball Recreational Sports
Gregory Gym Aquatic Complex (GREAQ) Reception Garden Large (L) Benches, Crepe Myrtle Trees Recreational Sports
Gregory Plaza Plaza Medium (M) Benches, Electricity Student Activities
Harry Ransom Center (HRC) Plaza Plaza Large (L) Benches, Bike Racks, Trash/Recycling Bins Student Activities
Honors Quad Courtyard, between 4 residence halls: Littlefield (LTD), Blanton (BLD), Andrews (AND), and Carothers (CRD) Grassy Area Large (L) Trees, Light Posts University Housing and Dining
Jester Corner (21st & Speedway) Street Corner Small (S) Electricity Student Activities
Littlefield Fountain Area Walkway Small (S) Fountain Student Activities
Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) Fountain Amplified Sound Area (LBJ Lawn) Grassy Area Large (L) The LBJ Fountain Amplified Sound Area is the area bounded by the east edge of Robert Dedman Drive, by the first sidewalk north of the LBJ Fountain, by a line drawn tangent to the west side of the LBJ Fountain and parallel to Robert Dedman Drive, and by the base of the hill on the south side of the LBJ Fountain. Student Activities
Lyndon B. Johnson Library (LBJ) Plaza Plaza Large (L) Student Activities
Lyndon B. Johnson Library (LBJ) West Lawn Grassy Area Large (L) Slight Incline Student Activities
Main Mall Mall Large (L) Electricity Student Activities
McCombs School of Business (CBA) South Plaza Plaza Large (L) Benches, Covered Tables With Seating, Trash Bins, Trees Student Activities
Mezes Hall (MEZ) Courtyard Courtyard Medium (M) Seating Student Activities
Music Building/Recital Hall (MRH) Northwest Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Bike Racks, Trees Student Activities
Mustang Statue Amplified Sound Area Grassy Area Medium (M) The Mustangs Amplified Sound Area is the area bounded by the sidewalk on the east side of San Jacinto Boulevard, by the west wall of the Texas Memorial Museum, and by the outer edge of the two stairways on either side of the lawn. Student Activities
Nursing School (NUR) North Lawn Grassy Area Small (S) Student Activities
Parlin Hall (PAR) Courtyard Courtyard Medium (M) Benches, Bike Rack Student Activities
Performing Arts Center (PAC) Lawn Grassy Area Large (L) Trees Student Activities
Performing Arts Center (PAC) South Plaza Plaza Medium (M) Student Activities
Perry-Castaneda Library (PCL) Corner (21st & Speedway) Street Corner Small (S) Electricity Student Activities
Physics, Math and Astronomy Building (PMA) Lawn Grassy Area Small (S) Grassy Area Student Activities
Physics, Math and Astronomy Building (PMA) Plaza Plaza Large (L) Benches, Bike Racks, ATM Student Activities
San Jacinto Cypress Bend Patio Patio Medium (M) Covered Tables With Seating University Housing and Dining
San Jacinto Hall Amphitheater (SJH) Amphitheater Large (L) Stage, Seating Ledges, Trees, Light Posts University Housing and Dining
San Jacinto Street Amplified Sound Area Grassy Area Large (L) Located on the Northeast corner of San Jacinto Blvd and 23rd St. Surrounded By Trees Student Activities
School of Social Work Building (SSW) East Lawn Grassy Area Large (L) Student Activities
School of Social Work Building (SSW) West Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Trees Student Activities
Seay Building (SEA) North Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Student Activities
Service Building East Lawn Grassy Area Small (S) Student Activities
South Mall Grassy Area Large (L) Currently Offline and Not Reservable Student Activities
Speedway Area 1 Pedestrian Mall Medium (M) Electricity Student Activities
Speedway Area 2 Pedestrian Mall Medium (M) Electricity Student Activities
Speedway Area 3 Pedestrian Mall Small (S) Student Activities
Student Services Building (SSB) - South Plaza Plaza Medium (M) Benches, Bike Racks Student Activities
Student Services Building (SSB) - West Patio Patio Small (S) Benches, Tables, Bike Racks Student Activities
Texas Union Patio Patio Large (L) Covered Tables With Chairs, Trash Bins, Trees Student Activities
Thompson Conference Center (TCC) North Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Trees Student Activities
Thompson Conference Center (TCC) West Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Trees Student Activities
Tower Memorial Garden (Turtle Pond) Grassy Area Medium (M) Pond Student Activities
Townes Hall (TNH) North Patio Patio Medium (M) Student Activities
Townes Hall (TNH) South Lawn Grassy Area Medium (M) Trees, Light Posts Student Activities
Townes Hall (TNH) South Patio Patio Small (S) Student Activities
Waggener Hall (WAG) West Plaza Plaza Large (L) Trees, Light Posts Student Activities
Walter Cronkite Plaza Plaza Large (L) Benches, Covered Tables With Seating Located between CMA, CMB, HSM and Whittis Ave.
Welch Hall (WEL) Courtyard Patio Large (L) Two Level Patio, Covered Areas, Tables With Seating College of Natural Sciences
Welch Hall (WEL) Far South Patio Patio Medium (M) Tables With Seating, Partially Covered Student Activities
Welch Hall (WEL) South Plaza Courtyard Medium (M) Tables With Seating, Shade Student Activities
West Mall Amplified Sound Area (Rally Space) Rally Space Medium (M) The West Mall Amplified Sound Area is the extreme east end of the West Mall, adjacent to the west steps of the Main Building. Electricity is available. Student Activities
West Mall Area 1 Walkway Small (S) Student Activities
West Mall Area 2 Walkway Small (S) A-Frame Only Student Activities
West Mall Area 3 Walkway Small (S) A-Frame Only Student Activities
West Mall Area 4 Walkway Small (S) A-Frame Only Student Activities
West Mall Area 5 Walkway Small (S) Student Activities
West Mall Area 6 Walkway Small (S) Student Activities
West Mall Area 7 Walkway Small (S) Electricity Student Activities
West Mall Area 8 Walkway Small (S) Student Activities
West Mall Building Courtyard Courtyard Medium (M) Student Activities
Whitaker Fields (WF) Athletic Fields Large (L) Sports Equipment Available For Checkout Recreational Sports
Whitaker Tennis Courts (WT) Tennis Courts Large (L) Tennis Courts (Off-Campus Location) Recreational Sports
Whitis Court Courtyard Courtyard Large (L) Benches, Tables With Seating, Grills, Bike Rack, Trees, Light Posts University Housing and Dining
Winship Circle Amplified Sound Area Grassy Area Small (S) The Winship Circle Amplified Sound Area is the grassy area east of the East Mall Fountain, west of Waller Creek, and south of Winship Hall. Student Activities