Office of the Dean of Students          

  Office of the Dean of Students -> Student Activities -> Leading Successful Organizations

Leading Successful Organizations

Leading and managing a student organization can be tough. The needs can change from year to year, and new and unexpected challenges can arise. Below are resources for student organization leaders to help them ensure the success and sustainability of a student organization.  Student organization leaders and advisors are also encouraged to attend Student Activities open workshops. If you would like to schedule meeting to discuss your organization please call Student Activities at 512-471-3065 or use our Bookings page to schedule a consultation.

Co-Sponsoring Events
With over 1200 student organizations on the UT Austin campus, its likely that several organizations have similar ideas. Things can get bigger and better when more organizations and resources come together. Download the Student Organization Event Co-Sponsorship (pdf) checklist for best practices and policies for co-sponsoring events on the Forty Acres.

Constitutions contain important framework for student organizations that help guide members in conducting organization business. Review the Constitution Guidelines for Student Organizations (pdf) worksheet for assistance in writing your organization's constitution. Utilize the Constitution Template (pdf) to create your own constitution per the guidelines.

Financial Education
Do you have a budget for your organization? Our Financial Education module provides insight and best practices on creating a budget, setting up a bank account, raising funds on-campus and securing on-campus funds for programs.

Goal Setting
Goals are plans for the future and help guide the direction of your group. Download the Goal Setting (pdf) guide for best practices on setting and achieving goals for your organization.

Maintaining Hornslink
Keep your HornsLink page updated with current leadership, events, and contact info. Regularly check and update hyperlinks to ensure they work properly. Accurate and functional pages improve outreach and keep members, partners, and the university informed.

Officer Transition
Is your organization transitioning leadership? Do you have everything in order for a smooth transition? Review the online Officer Transition Module on Canvas for best practices and planning.

Program and Event Planning
Whether in-person or virtual, hosting an event requires planning to ensure a successful event. Download our in-person meeting and virtual meeting guides for tips on improving your organization's events!

Recruitment and Retention of Members
New members bring new ideas and are necessary to, ensure the success and sustainability of the organization. Download the Recruitment and Retention of Members (pdf) guide for tips and best practices for your organization.

Running a Successful Meeting
Whether in-person or virtual, boring meetings can be costly to your student organization. Download our in-person meeting and virtual meeting guides for tips on improving your organization's meetings!

Working with a Faculty or Staff Advisor
Does your organization have a UT faculty or staff advisor? If your student organization currently has an advisor or if your organization is exploring the option, we encourage you to download the Working with a Student Organization Advisor (pdf) guide for strategies on how to work with an advisor.

Student Organization Elections
The officer elections can be a hard process. To have an organized election, you need clear and concise guidelines. Download the Student Organization Elections (pdf) guide for strategies for a successful election. See our HornsLink Election (pdf) guide to learn how to set up an election in HornsLink.

Resources for Student Organization Advisors

Student Organization Advisor Education
Are you a new or returning advisor for a UT student organization?  See the Student Organization Advisor Education page for more information.

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