Office of the Dean of Students          

  Office of the Dean of Students -> Student Conduct and Academic Integrity -> Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Our team oversees the administration and facilitation of the student conduct process. In any case of a potential violation of the Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities, students have both rights and responsibilities in the student conduct process.

Student Rights

  1. To be notified of the alleged academic or behavioral misconduct that may result in a violation of the Institutional Rules,
  2. To be provided access to the Institutional Rules,
  3. To be provided with an overview of the conduct process, including resolution options outlined in Section 11-505 of the Institutional Rules,
  4. To review all documentation and/or information regarding the alleged misconduct (i.e., assignment in question, plagiarism detection report, pictures, referral information),
  5. To respond to the allegations and provide personal documentation and/or information to the referring faculty member and/or Student Conduct and Academic Integrity,
  6. To have an advisor present in a meeting or hearing with Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
  7. For academic misconduct cases:
    • to complete all assignments and attend classes until the matter is resolved, and
    • to have the matter be referred to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity for investigation and adjudication.

Student Responsibilities

Students can choose not to share any information regarding the alleged misconduct. However, the referring faculty member and/or Student Conduct staff may proceed with the investigation and conduct process.

Student Privacy

For any questions about the rights of students in the student conduct process, please email us or call 512-471-2841.