Office of the Dean of Students          

Privacy and Records

We are committed to protecting students’ privacy to the greatest extent under the law. Information received by Student Conduct and Academic Integrity and shared with a student will be handled in accordance with the regulations established by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

To allow Student Conduct staff to discuss an investigation with any other person, including a family member, attorney, or friend, submit an authorization and release form.

Referrals to Student Conduct may result in a disciplinary record in the student’s name. Information regarding these records will not be disclosed without their authorization or consent, or as permitted by law, as listed in Institutional Rules, Subchapter 9-300 and Subchapter 11-900. On the rare occasion when a student's disciplinary record is released without consent, the university will notify the student, unless prohibited by law.

To request a copy of a document from your investigation or disciplinary record, (i.e. referral information, administrative disposition, and/or decision letter), please submit a request for a copy of a case document.