Office of the Dean of Students          

  Office of the Dean of Students -> Alternative Breaks

Alternative Breaks

Alternative Breaks (AB) sends small groups of UT students to outside communities to grow as leaders and learn through immersive service experiences. AB is designed for passionate students who are looking to spend their academic breaks on productive and interactive service-learning opportunities. Alternative Breaks pushes students to participate in transformative learning, consistent reflection, and meaningful community service.

Alternative Breaks revolves around five key tenets: Service, Learning, Community, Cultural Humility, and Active Citizenship. By becoming Active Citizens, AB participants promise to carry what they learn back to Austin and back on campus.

Upon completion of the program, participants will receive an "Active Citizenship in Practice" badge from UT's Digital Badging Initiative. Email for more information.

Interested in joining the leadership team and planning a future trip? Apply to the Community Engagement Collective to become an Alternative Breaks Trip Lead!

Fall Trips

Art & Community Engagement (Trip Leads Only) | San Antonio, TX
Future trip leads prepare for the spring AB trips by learning about the art scene in San Antonio and connecting their findings to community engagement in the region.
Student Cost: $50
2024 Dates: November 15th-17th

Spring Break Trips

Housing Support | Rio Grande Valley, TX
Participants learn about the state of housing in South Texas and the changing demographics of the area.
Student Cost: $200
2025 Dates: March 16th-22nd

Community Development & the Environment | New Orleans, LA
Participants study the social geography and effects of natural disasters, while connecting these events and landscapes to the culture of New Orleans.
Student Cost: $300
2025 Dates: March 16th-22nd

Building Community in Higher Education (with Sorority and Fraternity Life) | Washington, DC
Participants learn how to build community in Austin and beyond and carry chapter values with them everywhere. We work with various community partners, including Howard University, Texas Exes Washington DC, and more. Open to Sorority and Fraternity Life only.
Student Cost: $950
2025 Dates: March 15th-21st

Participant applications open October 1st, 2024, and are due October 25th, 2024.

Participant Expectations

Participants are required to enroll in ELP 395K: Active Citizenship in Practice in the spring, which takes place Wednesdays from 3-5 p.m. This course is used to prepare participants for the trips and promote active citizenship after the trips.

A non-refundable $50 deposit is due no later than December 1st, 2024. Payment plans are available in the spring. Final payments are due prior to the trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?
Alternative Breaks is open to all UT Austin students. No prior Alternative Breaks, travel, or service experience is required. The most important requirements are an open mind, a passion for community service and a desire to learn and work together.

How will AB participants reach their trip location? What mode of transportation will be used?
All AB participants will travel with their groups to their respective trip location. Throughout the various AB trips participants will travel by SUV, van, or plane. Once they arrive, participants should prepare to walk, use various modes of public transportation, and be driven by SUV.

How safe will I be?
Steps have been taken to minimize all risk because safety is the top priority for all Alternative Breaks trip. Each trip's routes and sites are screened carefully to ensure the safety of all participants. During the trips, participants will be participating in AB lead activities from night to day so participants will always be with the larger group.

What does my trip fee cover?
The trip expense will pay for everything other than souvenirs or incidentals. Transit, accommodation, and meals will be fully covered by the trip costs. The sleeping quarters are modest, participants will be sleeping in bunks, cots, or in sleeping bags throughout the trip. Meals will be provided for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Most meals will be home-cooked by participants, but there will be opportunities to try local restaurants. Strict diet preferences will be accommodated, if specified in advance.

What type of volunteering would I be doing?
Each trip varies in the type of volunteering you will be participating in, some consisting of intensive manual labor such as: digging, building, lifting, cleaning etc. While others may be less labor intensive such as: gardening, sorting files, packing bags, serving food etc. You will be informed of what type of work you will be doing prior to the trip.

Support Alternative Breaks

Alternative Breaks is made possible by individuals and groups who give time, talent, in-kind product, and monetary donations. Support Alternative Breaks here.

Contact Information
@ut_collective on Instagram