Office of the Dean of Students          

How We Can Help

Student Outreach and Support help students and families navigate any of the following issues:

Academic Difficulties

Academic difficulties may arise as the result of personal hardships or crisis situations. Our staff helps students navigate academic options and can help coordinate services with advisors and student deans.

Family Emergency

We can notify faculty of a student's absence and provide referrals to campus and community resources. Documentation of the emergency is required. To request an absence note, visit Absence Notification Requests.

Interpersonal Violence

Students who have experienced any form of interpersonal violence can review services listed in Victim Services as applicable. Our office assists with Absence Notification Requests, coordination with university departments, and providing information about campus and community resources. Please note: Student Outreach and Support is not confidential. If you need confidential support, please connect with Confidential Advocates in the Title IX office.

Medical or Mental Health Emergency

We can notify faculty of a student's absence and provide referrals to campus and community resources. Documentation from a health provider is required. To request an absence note, visit Absence Notification Requests.

Missing Student

Our staff will outreach to the student of concern and provide a timeframe by which a student must respond to ensure their safety. Other staff may be contacted for assistance (advisors, professors, housing staff, emergency contact(s), and / or the police dept.)

Student Death

In the event of a student death, our office acts as the primary contact for families. We help address university related business and notify the necessary departments. In partnership with the Counseling and Mental Health Center, we assist with outreach to groups or individuals impacted by the loss.

Schedule an Appointment

You may schedule an appointment with our office by emailing